
Quartus_map 에서 out_of_memory

out_of_memory 에러 발생시 여길 참조 -->여기

번역해보면 내용은 이렇다.

Quartus II software support for High memory use designs

Large FPGA designs require increasing amounts of memory to process. The following are steps you can take when working with designs that require large amounts of memory, and ways you can increase the memory available for Quartus II software.
큰용량의 FPGA 디자인시에는 프로세스에 필요한 메모리 사용량이 늘어난다. 다음 단계는 큰 메모리 용량을 필요로하는 디자인 작업과 쿼터스에서 메모리 사용량을 증가시키는 방법에 관한 것이다.

Check Memory Requirements

Quartus II software has a readme.txt file that includes the memory requirements for supported devices. It is in in Windows, UNIX, and Linux installations. Altera strongly recommends your computer meet the minimum requirements for memory and swap space. If your computer does not have the recommended amount of memory and swap space available, try compiling the design on another computer that meets the requirements, or upgrade the memory in your computer to meet or exceed the recommendations.
쿼터스 설치 폴더에 있는 리드미 파일에 메모리 필요량에 대한 부분이 있다. 알테라는 메모리와 스왑 공간에 대한 최소 요구사항을 충족하기를 강력히 권고한다. 만일 최소사양이하라면 요구사항을 만족하는 다른 컴에서 컴파일 하거나 업그레이드 해라

Optimize Timing Assignments

It may be possible to optimize your timing assignments so they require less memory to process. Using timegroups(supported in version 4.0 through 5.0 of the Quartus II software) or assignments groups(supported beginning in version 5.1) to combine nodes with common assignments saves memory. You can use this approach instead of making separate timing assignments to many individual modes.

For example, if your design has many multicycle assignments with a value of 2, you can reduce memory use by assigning the source and destination nodes to two groups, then making a single multicycle assignment of 2 between the two groups. The memory savings depends on your particular design and assignments.
일단 로직을 옵티마이즈해서 메모리 사용량을 줄여봐

Expand Available Memory

32-Bit Windows : By default, 32-bit versions of Windows limits processes to 2 Gbytes of memory. If your design requires more than 2 Gbytes of memory, you can edit the boot.ini file to allow up to 3 Gbytes of memory per process. Refer to the following solution for information about how to edit the boot.ini file
32비트 윈도에서는 기본적으로 프로세스당 2기가 메모리 제한이 있으므로 그 이상 메모리를 필요로 한다면 아래처럼 고쳐서 메모리 제한을 3기가로 변경해라.

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="????" /3GB

The Quartus II 32-bit Windows executable are large address space aware, and can use up to 3 Gbytes of memory without modification.

64-Bit Windows : Windows XP x64 supports up to 8 terabytes of memory per process. If you run out of memory, install more RAM, or use techniques described above to optimize assignments.
64비트 윈도는 8테라까지 메모리를 지원하니까 모질라면 추가하든가.

UNIX/Linux : Solaris 8 and RedHat enterprise Linux version 3.0 limit 32-bit processes to 4Gbytes of memory by default. RedHat Linux version 8.0 limits 32-bit processes to 3 Gbytes of memory by default. These limits cannot be changed.
어이쿠 리눅스는 버전별로 알아보슈.

Expand Available Memory Over 4Gbytes

If the 32-bit version of Quartus II software still cannot process your design in 3 Gbytes of memory, with optimized timing assignments, use the 64-bit version of the Quartus II software. Using a 64-bit version of the Quartus II software allows you access to more than 4 Gbytes of memory per process and therefore supports designs that require large amount of memory to compile.
However, compiling designs with a 64-bit version of Quartus II can require 50 to 100 percent more memory than the same design compiled with a 32-bit version. For example, if your design requires more than 3 Gbytes of memory with the 32-bit version, you should have at least 6 Gbytes of memory installed for a 64-bit compile.

Depending on whether you use the GUI or command-line executables, you can configure a 64-bit version of the Quartus II software in different ways.
In the GUI, in the Tools menu, choose Options. In the General category, choose Processing and select the appropriate option, as shown in Figure 1. The selections are disabled if you do not run the Quartus II software in a supported 64-bit environment.
For command-line use on Linux and Solaris, executables support the --64bit option to enable the 64-bit version. For command-line use on Windows, use the executables in the bin64 directory. Finally, you can set the QUARTUS_64BIT environment variable to specify 64-bit processing, or unset it to specify 32-bit processing. The environment variable affects both the GUI and command-line executables.
3기가로도 컴파일이 안되면 64비트로 바꿔라.

Submit a Service Request

In some cases, there may be design optimizations or software improvements that are required. Submit a service request through Altera's mySupport site and include your design files so the problem can be reproduced and corrected.
mySupport를 사용하면 우리가 도와줄수도 있다.

번역은 발로 했다.
그래서 요약하자면
-->일단 프로세스당 3GB로 메모리 제한을 올리고 해본다음 정 안돼면 64비트 버전을 쓰세요. 아님 좀 최적화 시키든가.

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